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Contract FungibleTokenMetadataViews

contract FungibleTokenMetadataViews {

This contract implements the metadata standard proposed in FLIP-1087.


Structs and resources can implement one or more metadata types, called views. Each view type represents a different kind of metadata.

Structs & Resources

struct FTView

struct FTView {
ftDisplay: FTDisplay?
ftVaultData: FTVaultData?

FTView wraps FTDisplay and FTVaultData, and is used to give a complete picture of a Fungible Token. Most Fungible Token contracts should implement this view.


struct FTDisplay

struct FTDisplay {
name: String
symbol: String
description: String
externalURL: MetadataViews.ExternalURL
logos: MetadataViews.Medias
socials: {String: MetadataViews.ExternalURL}

View to expose the information needed to showcase this FT. This can be used by applications to give an overview and graphics of the FT.


struct FTVaultData

struct FTVaultData {
storagePath: StoragePath
receiverPath: PublicPath
metadataPath: PublicPath
providerPath: PrivatePath
receiverLinkedType: Type
metadataLinkedType: Type
providerLinkedType: Type
createEmptyVault: ((): @FungibleToken.Vault)

View to expose the information needed store and interact with a FT vault. This can be used by applications to setup a FT vault with proper storage and public capabilities.



fun getFTView()

func getFTView(viewResolver &{MetadataViews.Resolver}): FTView

Helper to get a FT view.


  • viewResolver : A reference to the resolver resource

Returns: A FTView struct

fun getFTDisplay()

func getFTDisplay(_ &{MetadataViews.Resolver}): FTDisplay?

Helper to get FTDisplay in a way that will return a typed optional.


  • viewResolver : A reference to the resolver resource

Returns: An optional FTDisplay struct

fun getFTVaultData()

func getFTVaultData(_ &{MetadataViews.Resolver}): FTVaultData?

Helper to get FTVaultData in a way that will return a typed Optional.


  • viewResolver : A reference to the resolver resource

Returns: A optional FTVaultData struct