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NFT MetadataViews on Flow

MetadataViews on Flow offer a standardized way to represent metadata across different NFTs. Through its integration, developers can ensure that different platforms and marketplaces can interpret the NFT metadata in a unified manner. This means that when users visit different websites, wallets, and marketplaces, the NFT metadata will be presented in a consistent manner, ensuring a uniform experience across various platforms.

If you'd like to follow along while we discuss the concepts below, you can do so by referring to the ExampleNFT contract. Additionally, here is the source code for the MetadataViews contract.

Two Levels of Metadata: An Overview

Metadata in Cadence is structured at two distinct levels:

  1. Contract-Level Metadata: This provides an overarching description of the entire NFT collection.
  2. NFT-Level Metadata: Diving deeper, this metadata relates to individual NFTs. It provides context, describes rarity, and highlights other distinctive attributes that distinguish one NFT from another within the same collection.

Understanding ViewResolver and MetadataViews.Resolver

When considering Flow and how it handles metadata for NFTs, it's crucial to understand two essential interfaces: ViewResolver and MetadataViews.Resolver. Interfaces serve as blueprints that specify the required variables and methods that your contract must adhere to for the interface to be deemed properly implemented. This guarantees that any contract asserting adherence to these interfaces will possess a consistent set of functionalities that other applications or contracts can rely on.

  1. ViewResolver for Contract-Level Metadata:
    • This interface ensures that contracts, particularly those encapsulating NFT collections, conform to the Metadata Views standard.
    • Through the adoption of this interface, contracts can provide dynamic metadata that represents the entirety of the collection.
  2. MetadataViews.Resolver for NFT-Level Metadata:
    • Used within individual NFT resources, this interface ensures each token adheres to the Metadata standard format.
    • It focuses on the distinct attributes of an individual NFT, such as its unique ID, name, description, and other defining characteristics.

Core Functions

Both the ViewResolver and MetadataViews.Resolver utilize the following core functions:

getViews Function

This function provides a list of supported metadata view types, which can be applied either by the contract (in the case of ViewResolver) or by an individual NFT (in the case of MetadataViews.Resolver).

pub fun getViews(): [Type] {
return [

resolveView Function

Whether utilized at the contract or NFT level, this function's role is to deliver the actual metadata associated with a given view type.

pub fun resolveView(_ view: Type): AnyStruct? {
switch view {
case Type<MetadataViews.Display>():
return nil

NFT-Level Metadata Implementation

NFT-level metadata addresses the unique attributes of individual tokens within a collection. It provides structured information for each NFT, including its identifier, descriptive elements, royalties, and other associated metadata. Incorporating this level of detail ensures consistency and standardization among individual NFTs, making them interoperable and recognizable across various platforms and marketplaces.

Core Properties

For instance, in the code below, an NFT has properties such as its unique ID, name, description, and others. When we add the MetadataViews.Resolver to our NFT resource, we are indicating that these variables will adhere to the specifications outlined in the MetadataViews contract for each of these properties. This facilitates interoperability within the Flow ecosystem and assures that the metadata of our NFT can be consistently accessed and understood by various platforms and services that interact with NFTs.

pub resource NFT: NonFungibleToken.INFT, MetadataViews.Resolver {
pub let id: UInt64
pub let name: String
pub let description: String
pub let thumbnail: String
access(self) let royalties: [MetadataViews.Royalty]
access(self) let metadata: {String: AnyStruct}

Metadata Views for NFTs

MetadataViews types define how the NFT presents its data. When invoked, the system knows precisely which view to return, ensuring that the relevant information is presented consistently across various platforms:


This view provides basic information about the NFT suitable for listing or display purposes. When the Display type is invoked, it dynamically assembles the visual and descriptive information that is typically needed for showcasing the NFT in marketplaces or collections.

case Type<MetadataViews.Display>():
return MetadataViews.Display(
description: self.description,
thumbnail: MetadataViews.HTTPFile(
url: self.thumbnail


The Editions view provides intricate details regarding the particular release of an NFT. This can include information about the number of copies in an edition, the specific NFT's sequence number within that edition, or its inclusion in a limited series. When the Editions view is queried, it retrieves this data, providing collectors with the information they need to comprehend the rarity and exclusivity of the NFT they are interested in.

case Type<MetadataViews.Editions>():
let editionInfo = MetadataViews.Edition(
name: "Example NFT Edition",
max: nil
return MetadataViews.Editions([editionInfo])

Serial Number Metadata

The Serial metadata provides the unique serial number of the NFT, akin to a serial number on a currency note or a VIN on a car. This serial number is a fundamental attribute that certifies the individuality of each NFT and is critical for identification and verification processes.

case Type<MetadataViews.Serial>():
return MetadataViews.Serial(

Royalties Metadata

Royalty information is vital for the sustainable economics of the creators in the NFT space. The Royalties metadata view defines the specifics of any royalty agreements in place, including the percentage of sales revenue that will go to the original creator or other stakeholders on secondary sales.

case Type<MetadataViews.Royalties>():
// Assuming each 'Royalty' in the 'royalties' array has 'cut' and 'description' fields
let detailedRoyalties = { royalty ->
receiver: royalty.receiver, // The beneficiary of the royalty
cut: royalty.cut, // The percentage cut of each sale
description: royalty.description // A description of the royalty terms
return MetadataViews.Royalties(detailedRoyalties)

External URL Metadata

The ExternalURL view returns to an associated webpage URL, providing additional content or information about the NFT.

case Type<MetadataViews.ExternalURL>():
return MetadataViews.ExternalURL("<>".concat(

Traits Metadata

Traits view type encapsulates the unique attributes of an NFT, like any visual aspects or category-defining properties. These can be essential for marketplaces that need to sort or filter NFTs based on these characteristics.

The dictToTraits helper function in Cadence is designed to convert a dictionary of metadata into a standard array of Trait structures. This function helps in preparing the traits data for the MetadataViews.Traits view, which can be understood by platforms within the Flow ecosystem.

Here's a more detailed look at how you might implement the dictToTraits function and the Traits view:

case Type<MetadataViews.Traits>():
// Exclude certain traits from being displayed
let excludedTraits = ["mintedTime", "foo"]
// Convert the remaining metadata into an array of `Trait` objects
let traitsArray = MetadataViews.dictToTraits(dict: self.metadata, excludedNames: excludedTraits)
return traitsArray

Contract-Level Metadata Implementation

Contract-level metadata provides a holistic view of an NFT collection, capturing overarching attributes and contextual information about the entire set, rather than specifics of individual tokens. These views describe attributes at the collection or series level rather than individual NFTs.


This view provides paths and types related to the NFT collection's storage and access within the smart contract.

case Type<MetadataViews.NFTCollectionData>():
return MetadataViews.NFTCollectionData(
storagePath: ExampleNFT.CollectionStoragePath,
publicPath: ExampleNFT.CollectionPublicPath,
providerPath: /private/exampleNFTCollection,
publicCollection: Type<&ExampleNFT.Collection{ExampleNFT.ExampleNFTCollectionPublic}>(),
publicLinkedType: Type<&ExampleNFT.Collection{ExampleNFT.ExampleNFTCollectionPublic,NonFungibleToken.CollectionPublic,NonFungibleToken.Receiver,MetadataViews.ResolverCollection}>(),
providerLinkedType: Type<&ExampleNFT.Collection{ExampleNFT.ExampleNFTCollectionPublic,NonFungibleToken.CollectionPublic,NonFungibleToken.Provider,MetadataViews.ResolverCollection}>(),
createEmptyCollectionFunction: (fun (): @NonFungibleToken.Collection {
return <-ExampleNFT.createEmptyCollection()

Here, NFTCollectionData is specifying several important elements related to how the collection is stored and accessed on the Flow blockchain. It provides information on storage paths and access control paths for both public and private data, as well as linked types that specify what capabilities are publicly available (like collection, receiver, or provider interfaces).


This view describes the collection with visual elements and metadata that are useful for display purposes, such as in a marketplace or gallery.

case Type<MetadataViews.NFTCollectionDisplay>():
let media = MetadataViews.Media(
file: MetadataViews.HTTPFile(
url: "<>"
mediaType: "image/svg+xml"
return MetadataViews.NFTCollectionDisplay(
name: "The Example Collection",
description: "This collection is used as an example to help you develop your next Flow NFT.",
externalURL: MetadataViews.ExternalURL("<>"),
squareImage: media,
bannerImage: media,
socials: {
"twitter": MetadataViews.ExternalURL("<>")

In the example above, the NFTCollectionDisplay not only offers fundamental metadata like the collection's name and description but also provides image URLs for visual representations of the collection (squareImage and bannerImage) and external links, including social media profiles.


Understanding MetadataViews and the core functions associated with it is crucial for developers aiming to deploy NFTs on Flow. With these views and functions, NFTs can maintain a consistent presentation across various platforms and marketplaces and foster interoperability between contracts and applications in the Flow ecosystem. To gain a deeper understanding of implementing the MetadataView standard, Check out our documentation on "How to Create an NFT Project on Flow". It provides an introduction to integrating these standards into your NFT contracts.